Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Our Homeschool Banquet

Each spring for the last two years a homeschool friend organizes a banquet for our group of homeschool kids and families.  It's a wonderful way to mark each year of learning.

Our group and families and friends gather in a wonderful donated space and share dinner.

Each kid/family displays some of their projects or studies over the past year.  AH had a couple of displays.  Here he is explaining his High Altitude balloon display to his cousin and uncle while Dad looks on.

AH stands before his big project: the results of his study of the spread of communism

AH poses with his Amma and Afi (the Icelandic words for Grandma and Grandpa).  The room was filled with many sets of grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins and good friends who came to celebrate the homeschooler in their lives.

It's so important that everyone dresses up!

It is such a wonderful way to end a year and to see what our friends have been up to!

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