Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Children and Nature Awareness Month Challenge

I've decided to participate in the Children and Nature Awareness Month Challenge over at one of my favorite blogs, 5 Orange Potatoes. She has a special page set up to explain the challenge. Basically, during the rest of April I'll be posting pictures each day of our outside time.
I'll start off with some pictures from our pond excursion last week. AH and I decided to collect pond water so we could study some "water critters" under a microscope. The pond is a short walk from our house, so we decided to bring a mid-morning snack so we could sit and enjoy the weather after we collected our sample. We saw Mallards, Red-Winged Blackbirds and heard many different sounds that we couldn't identify. AH and I decided we need the Field Guide to Minnesota Reptiles and Amphibians and the Fabulous Frogs Identiflyer card!

Today Austen spent a good portion of the day outside enjoying a nice spring day...
Here he is enjoying one of his favorite things...the swing!

Let's all get outside this month and really look at the beauty right outside our doors!

1 comment:

Bran said...

great photo on the swing. I can't ever seem to get good pictures while they are on swings.