Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Homeschool Memoirs

This week, you guessed it, is going to be about having a thankful heart! Yes, of course, we should always be thankful for everything we’re blessed with, but it’s not too often we actually sit and ponder what. This week please join me in writing 27 things you’re thankful (There’s got to be at least 27things!). I picked 27 because this year Thanksgiving is on the 27th of November.
Also, share a Scripture verse for this week!

27? Easy! Here they are as they came to mind (no particular order!)
1. Douglas, my husband and the love of my life! 2. AN and MB, my daughter and her boyfriend 3. AD, my son 4. AH, my son 5. my home 6. my faith 7. my wonderful mattress! 8. the opportunity to stay home 9. books! 10. our fireplace 11. family close by 12. my new dryer 13. music 14. friends 15. the blog, Blogwyn, and my enduring friendship with that blogger who I have known since college and was my maid of honor!! 16. our community 17. my garden and yard 18. a good glass of wine! 19. that my mom and dad are still here and close by 20. to be homeschooling 21. my computer and 22. the internet, so that as a home-schooler I don't feel so isolated! 23. My local home school group 24. the blog, By Sun and Candlelight, for the inspiration and positive energy 25. my family's health 26. the ability to laugh 27. that my country doesn't have civil war or genocide happening within our borders 28. that my husbands firm is full of people of different faiths, colors, nationalities and that we all love each other!
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!


KarenW said...

Great list! I'll go and check out your blogging friends. Happy Thanksgiving!!

Bronwyn said...

I missed the invitation to Blog with Thanksgivings, but I think you catch that drift through my blog now and then. I, too, am planning to resurrect my three-years-dormant veggie garden this summer - unless I get a grant that will permit an extended family trip to Europe. More on that later if it comes to pass.